The unprecedented nature of this pandemic is new for all of us. Today’s normal was unthinkable a couple of months ago. In early March, at FintechWomen, we were getting ready to share a programming calendar for the rest of this year and 2021. The access to technology has made our response to the pandemic different from the more recent other crises in 2008 and 2001. Which brought more questions: are we better equipped to […]
The practical uses of Artificial Intelligence seem to be continuously under scrutiny and debate. Nevertheless, opportunities abound, especially for women in the fintech world. Katie King shares her deep insights into how AI works, and what it takes to deliver true business transformation in pursuit of strategic competitive advantage in Part 1 of our 3-part series “Driving Artificial Intelligence Adoption | Part 1: AI In Practice”. This event has passed. Please click here to view event details […]
What does AI mean to the capability of customers to accumulate wealth in the future? How are companies leveraging these technologies to create better financial outcomes? In Part 2: Designing AI Solutions, Sindhu Joseph, co-founder and CEO of CogniCor discusses critical inputs, factors and barriers to innovation in designing AI technology for Wealth Management This event has passed. Please click here to view event details and a recording